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1. Only those Certifications published within the last 5 years (3 years for Modules/Chipsets/Platforms) are displayed on this public webpage.
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3. Products might support extra Bands not included in the scope of GCF, in addition to the displayed Certified Bands.

6 results

Ref Manufacturer Model Name Marketing Name Certification Date Actions
12101 zz GCF test manufacturer final 2 z 13-Sep-2024 View
12100 zz GCF test manufacturer Missing annexes z 06-Sep-2024 View
12099 zz GCF test manufacturer Final Test 394 x 04-Sep-2024 View
11497 Askey Computer Corporation CTX0800-RoHS CTX0800-RoHS 05-May-2023 View
11102 Alps Alpine Co Ltd UMNZ1A20 UMNZ1A20 15-Nov-2022 View
10817 Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. AG550Q-NA Quectel AG550Q-NA 14-Nov-2022 View